Partition a Spark Dataframe
Partition a Spark DataFrame into multiple groups. This routine is useful for splitting a DataFrame into, for example, training and test datasets.
weights = NULL,
seed = sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
sdf_partition(x, ..., weights = NULL, seed = sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1))
Argument | Description |
x | An object coercable to a Spark DataFrame. |
… | Named parameters, mapping table names to weights. The weights |
will be normalized such that they sum to 1. weights | An alternate mechanism for supplying weights – when specified, this takes precedence over the ...
arguments. seed | Random seed to use for randomly partitioning the dataset. Set this if you want your partitioning to be reproducible on repeated runs.
The sampling weights define the probability that a particular observation will be assigned to a particular partition, not the resulting size of the partition. This implies that partitioning a DataFrame with, for example,
sdf_random_split(x, training = 0.5, test = 0.5)
is not guaranteed to produce training
and test
partitions of equal size.
An list
of tbl_spark
# randomly partition data into a 'training' and 'test'
# dataset, with 60% of the observations assigned to the
# 'training' dataset, and 40% assigned to the 'test' dataset
data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")
diamonds_tbl <- copy_to(sc, diamonds, "diamonds")
partitions <- diamonds_tbl %>%
sdf_random_split(training = 0.6, test = 0.4)
# alternate way of specifying weights
weights <- c(training = 0.6, test = 0.4)
diamonds_tbl %>% sdf_random_split(weights = weights)
See Also
Other Spark data frames: sdf_copy_to()
, sdf_distinct()
, sdf_register()
, sdf_sample()
, sdf_sort()
, sdf_weighted_sample()