
Spark ML – Latent Dirichlet Allocation


Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a topic model designed for text documents.


  formula = NULL,
  k = 10,
  max_iter = 20,
  doc_concentration = NULL,
  topic_concentration = NULL,
  subsampling_rate = 0.05,
  optimizer = "online",
  checkpoint_interval = 10,
  keep_last_checkpoint = TRUE,
  learning_decay = 0.51,
  learning_offset = 1024,
  optimize_doc_concentration = TRUE,
  seed = NULL,
  features_col = "features",
  topic_distribution_col = "topicDistribution",
  uid = random_string("lda_"),

ml_describe_topics(model, max_terms_per_topic = 10)

ml_log_likelihood(model, dataset)

ml_log_perplexity(model, dataset)



Argument Description
x A spark_connection, ml_pipeline, or a tbl_spark.
formula Used when x is a tbl_spark. R formula as a character string or a formula. This is used to transform the input dataframe before fitting, see ft_r_formula for details.
k The number of clusters to create
max_iter The maximum number of iterations to use.
doc_concentration Concentration parameter (commonly named “alpha”) for the prior placed on documents’ distributions over topics (“theta”). See details.
topic_concentration Concentration parameter (commonly named “beta” or “eta”) for the prior placed on topics’ distributions over terms.
subsampling_rate (For Online optimizer only) Fraction of the corpus to be sampled and used in each iteration of mini-batch gradient descent, in range (0, 1]. Note that this should be adjusted in synch with max_iter so the entire corpus is used. Specifically, set both so that maxIterations * miniBatchFraction greater than or equal to 1.
optimizer Optimizer or inference algorithm used to estimate the LDA model. Supported: “online” for Online Variational Bayes (default) and “em” for Expectation-Maximization.
checkpoint_interval Set checkpoint interval (>= 1) or disable checkpoint (-1).

E.g. 10 means that the cache will get checkpointed every 10 iterations, defaults to 10. keep_last_checkpoint | (Spark 2.0.0+) (For EM optimizer only) If using checkpointing, this indicates whether to keep the last checkpoint. If FALSE, then the checkpoint will be deleted. Deleting the checkpoint can cause failures if a data partition is lost, so set this bit with care. Note that checkpoints will be cleaned up via reference counting, regardless. learning_decay | (For Online optimizer only) Learning rate, set as an exponential decay rate. This should be between (0.5, 1.0] to guarantee asymptotic convergence. This is called “kappa” in the Online LDA paper (Hoffman et al., 2010). Default: 0.51, based on Hoffman et al. learning_offset | (For Online optimizer only) A (positive) learning parameter that downweights early iterations. Larger values make early iterations count less. This is called “tau0” in the Online LDA paper (Hoffman et al., 2010) Default: 1024, following Hoffman et al. optimize_doc_concentration | (For Online optimizer only) Indicates whether the doc_concentration (Dirichlet parameter for document-topic distribution) will be optimized during training. Setting this to true will make the model more expressive and fit the training data better. Default: FALSE seed | A random seed. Set this value if you need your results to be reproducible across repeated calls. features_col | Features column name, as a length-one character vector. The column should be single vector column of numeric values. Usually this column is output by ft_r_formula. topic_distribution_col | Output column with estimates of the topic mixture distribution for each document (often called “theta” in the literature). Returns a vector of zeros for an empty document. uid | A character string used to uniquely identify the ML estimator. … | Optional arguments, see Details. model | A fitted LDA model returned by ml_lda(). max_terms_per_topic | Maximum number of terms to collect for each topic. Default value of 10. dataset | test corpus to use for calculating log likelihood or log perplexity


For ml_lda.tbl_spark with the formula interface, you can specify named arguments in ... that will be passed ft_regex_tokenizer(), ft_stop_words_remover(), and ft_count_vectorizer(). For example, to increase the default min_token_length, you can use ml_lda(dataset, ~ text, min_token_length = 4).

Terminology for LDA:

  • “term” = “word”: an element of the vocabulary

  • “token”: instance of a term appearing in a document

  • “topic”: multinomial distribution over terms representing some concept

  • “document”: one piece of text, corresponding to one row in the input data

Original LDA paper (journal version): Blei, Ng, and Jordan. “Latent Dirichlet Allocation.” JMLR, 2003.

Input data (features_col): LDA is given a collection of documents as input data, via the features_col parameter. Each document is specified as a Vector of length vocab_size, where each entry is the count for the corresponding term (word) in the document. Feature transformers such as ft_tokenizer and ft_count_vectorizer can be useful for converting text to word count vectors


The object returned depends on the class of x.

  • spark_connection: When x is a spark_connection, the function returns an instance of a ml_estimator object. The object contains a pointer to a Spark Estimator object and can be used to compose Pipeline objects.

  • ml_pipeline: When x is a ml_pipeline, the function returns a ml_pipeline with the clustering estimator appended to the pipeline.

  • tbl_spark: When x is a tbl_spark, an estimator is constructed then immediately fit with the input tbl_spark, returning a clustering model.

  • tbl_spark, with formula or features specified: When formula is specified, the input tbl_spark is first transformed using a RFormula transformer before being fit by the estimator. The object returned in this case is a ml_model which is a wrapper of a ml_pipeline_model. This signature does not apply to ml_lda().

ml_describe_topics returns a DataFrame with topics and their top-weighted terms.

ml_log_likelihood calculates a lower bound on the log likelihood of the entire corpus


sc <- spark_connect(master = "local")

lines_tbl <- sdf_copy_to(sc,
  austen_books()[c(1:30), ],
  name = "lines_tbl",
  overwrite = TRUE

# transform the data in a tidy form
lines_tbl_tidy <- lines_tbl %>%
    input_col = "text",
    output_col = "word_list"
  ) %>%
    input_col = "word_list",
    output_col = "wo_stop_words"
  ) %>%
  mutate(text = explode(wo_stop_words)) %>%
  filter(text != "") %>%
  select(text, book)

lda_model <- lines_tbl_tidy %>%
  ml_lda(~text, k = 4)

# vocabulary and topics

See Also

See for more information on the set of clustering algorithms.

Other ml clustering algorithms: ml_bisecting_kmeans(), ml_gaussian_mixture(), ml_kmeans()